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Almanca Atasözleri – G

Gebranntes Kind scheut das Feuer.
o Translation: The burned kid avoids the fire.
o Once bitten, twice shy.

Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern.
o Translation: Like and like like to join.
o Birds of a feather flock together.

Gehoppst wie gesprungen. OR Gehuppt wie geduppt. OR Gehupft wie gesprungen.
o Translation: Hopped just as jumped.
o Meaning: Two solutions are basically equivalent.

Gelernt ist gelernt.
o Translation: Learned is learned
o If you really learned something you are good at it.
o If you really learned something you tend not to unlearn it.
o (usually spoken in boasting mode)

Geschenkt ist geschenkt – wiedergenommen in die Hölle gekommen” OR Geschenkt ist geschenkt – wiederholen ist gestohlen
o Lit.: A present is a present – you’ll go to hell if you are taking it back.
o Meaning: Gifts are final. (Ironically, they are not always under German law.)

“Geschmacksache,” sagt der Affe und beißt in die Seife.
o Lit.: “A matter of taste” says the monkey and bites into soap.
o Meaning: Personal tastes differ.

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