Almanca Atasözleri – Z
Zeit ist Geld.
o Translation: Time is money. (Henry Ford)
Drei Z sind gern beieinander: Zecher, Zänker, Zungenschmied. (obsolescent)
o Literal translation: Three Z like to be together: drinker, quarreller, tongue-smith.
o Meaning: Drinking leads to arguments and loose talk.
Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen
o Literal translation: Hit two flies with one fly swatter.
o Meaning: Be efficient.
o English equivalent: Kill two birds with one stone.
Zwei Seelen und ein Gedanke, Zwei Herzen, und ein Schlag. (obsolescent)
o Translation: Two souls, one thought, Two hearts, one beat.
Zwei Kranke, ein Gedanke. (vulgar) (nontraditional), also: Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke.
o Translation: Two idiots, one thought.
Zwei Flaschen, ein Kühlschrank. (nontraditional)
o Literal translation: Two twerps, one fridge.
o Meaning: Two people had the same (dumb or obvious) idea at the same time.
o Explanation: “Flasche” can mean “bottle” or “twerp” (idiot). Less offensive than “Zwei Kranke, ein Gedanke”, but may not be understood as easily even by native speakers.
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