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Almanca Atasözleri – G

Gebranntes Kind scheut das Feuer.
o Translation: The burned kid avoids the fire.
o Once bitten, twice shy.

Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern.
o Translation: Like and like like to join.
o Birds of a feather flock together.

Gehoppst wie gesprungen. OR Gehuppt wie geduppt. OR Gehupft wie gesprungen.
o Translation: Hopped just as jumped.
o Meaning: Two solutions are basically equivalent.

Gelernt ist gelernt.
o Translation: Learned is learned
o If you really learned something you are good at it.
o If you really learned something you tend not to unlearn it.
o (usually spoken in boasting mode)

Geschenkt ist geschenkt – wiedergenommen in die Hölle gekommen” OR Geschenkt ist geschenkt – wiederholen ist gestohlen
o Lit.: A present is a present – you’ll go to hell if you are taking it back.
o Meaning: Gifts are final. (Ironically, they are not always under German law.)

“Geschmacksache,” sagt der Affe und beißt in die Seife.
o Lit.: “A matter of taste” says the monkey and bites into soap.
o Meaning: Personal tastes differ.

Almanca Atasözleri – H

Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall.
o Literal Translation: Arrogance comes before the fall.
o Correct meaning: People tend to be arrogant until they fall
o Equivalent: Pride cometh before the fall.

Almanca Atasözleri – I

Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof
o Translation: I only understand Trainstation
o English equivalent: It’s all Greek to me.

Iss, was gar ist, trink, was klar ist, und sprich, was wahr ist. (obsolescent)
o Translation: Eat what’s been well cooked, drink liquids which are clear, and speak what is true.
o More modern (and vulgar) form: Fressen was gar ist, trinken was klar ist, ficken was da ist.
o Translation: Gorge what’s been well cooked, drink what’s available (alcohol) [“klar” -> clear OR available/ready (colloquial)] fuck what’s around.

In der Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen
o Translation: If in need, the devil eats flies.
o English equivalent: Beggars can’t be choosers.

In der Kürze liegt die Würze.
o Translation: In briefness lies the spice.
o Meaning: Be concise; don’t ramble.
o English equivalent: Brevity is the soul of wit (Shakespeare)

In der Not schmeckt die Wurst auch ohne Brot.
o Translation: When in distress the cut tastes without bread.
o Meaning: Enjoy luxury as long as you have it.
o Meaning: Silly saying either ironically loathing the taste of bread or those who prefer the sausage.

Bei Nacht sind alle Katzen grau
o Translation: In the night all cats are gray
o Meaning: Human vision switches to monochrome mode in the dark.
o Meaning: Used when explaining why you could not discern one thing from the other, either literally or as a metaphor. (Polite)
o other Meaning: If it is late enough and I am drunk enough I don´t care what my one-night-stand looks like. (Vulgar)

Almanca Atasözleri – J

Jacke wie Hose.
o Translation: Jacket like pants.
o Meaning: Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Jeder Jeck ist anders. Used mainly in the Rheinland (Cologne etc.).
o Translation: Every loony is different.
o Meaning: Show some broad-mindedness.

Jedem Narr gefällt sei’ Kapp.
o Translation: Every jester likes his hat.
o Meaning; Personal tastes differ.

Almanca Atasözleri – K

Sich nicht um ungelegte Eier kümmern.
o Literally: Don’t worry about eggs that haven’t been laid.
o Meaning: Don’t cross your bridges until you come to them.
o English proverb: Don’t count your eggs before they hatch.

Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat.
o Literally: If time comes, advice comes.
o Meaning: With time comes insight.

Kräht der Hahn auf dem Mist, ändert sich’s Wetter oder ‘s bleibt wie’s ist.
o Literally: If the cock crows on the dung heap, the weather will change or stay the way it is.
o Meaning : Do not rely upon proverbs! or The opinion of loud but insignificant people has no influence on the world.
o Meaning: Ironizing bad science or peasant wisdom.
o Romanian: Daca se urca un cocos pe un maldar de gunoi, poate ploua, poate nu ploua.

Kehre vor Deiner eigenen Tür.
o Translation: Sweep the ground in front of your own door.
o Meaning: Don´t mess with other peoples business, better take care of your own.

Kleider machen Leute
o Clothes make the man.

Keine Antwort ist auch eine Antwort.
o Literally: No answer is also an answer.
o Meaning: Not responding to a question is still replying.
o Similar: Silence equals consent.

Klug zu reden ist doch schwer, klug zu schweigen noch viel mehr
o Literally: It’s indeed hard to talk cleverly, still harder to be silent cleverly
o Meaning: Know when to keep your mouth shut

Koste es was es wolle.
o Meaning: Achieve something by whatever it will cost
o Similar: Come hell or high water.

Eine Kuh macht Muh, viele Kühe machen Mühe.
o Literally: One cow moos, many cows make work.
o Explanation: It’s a pun: “macht Muh” is the german equivalent to “makes a moo (sound)”. The grammatical plural form would be “machen Mühe” [make moo (sounds)] but “something macht Mühe” means “gives trouble”, “makes work” [“Mühe = trouble, effort …]