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Almanca Atasözleri – Q

Quatsch keine Opern. (slang, derog, not traditional)
o Translation: Don´t talk operas.
o Meaning: Say it short.

Almanca Atasözleri – R

Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold
o Lit.: Talking is Silver, Silence is Gold
o English Proverb: Talk is cheap, silence is golden.

Rein in die Kartoffeln – raus aus den Kartoffeln. oder Mal so, mal so oder … wie das Fähnchen im Winde. oder Mal hüh, mal hott
o Literal translation: [Jump] into the potatoes, [jump] out of the potatoes.
o English equivalent: To chop and change.
o English equivalent: To blow hot and cold.

Rom ist auch nicht an einem Tag erbaut worden.
o Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Almanca Atasözleri – S

Schadenfreude ist die beste Freude.
o Translation: Joy from others’ misfortune is the best joy.
o Meaning: Taking pleasure from someone else’s misfortune is most enjoyable.

Schnee von gestern
o Translation: Snow from yesteryear. (lit. yesterday)
o Meaning: Something belongs to the past.

Schuster, bleib bei deinem Leisten.
o Translation: Shoemaker, stick to your last.
o Meaning: Just do what you can do best.
o Meaning: Do not meddle in affairs or careers which are too high over your head or social standing.

Setz nicht alles auf eine Karte.
o Translation: Don’t bet on only one card.
o English Equivalent: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Schlafende Hunde soll man nicht wecken.
o Translation: One should not awaken sleeping dogs.
o English Equivalent: Let sleeping dogs lie.

Stadtluft macht frei.
o City air makes you free.
o Meaning: In medieval times peoples living in free cities were free from a sovereign. They were not bond-slaves like the people in rural areas. So living in a city – ´breathing city air´- meant to be free from bond-slavery to a sovereign. People living in cities could express their own opinion without being harassed. If people escaped to a free city and lived there for one year and one day, they were free of any previous bond to a sovereign.

Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein.
o Translation: A steady drop will carve the stone.
o Meaning: Continuous effort will eventually lead to success.
o Meaning: Insignificant damage accumulates.

Das kommt mir spanisch vor.
o Translation: It seems Spanish to me.
o Meaning: There’s something strange.
o English Equivalent: That’s a bit fishy.

Almanca Atasözleri – T

Taten statt Wörter! or Taten sagen mehr als Wörter. or Lass Wörter Taten folgen! or Lass Taten sprechen!
o Translation: Actions instead of words! or Actions speak louder than words” (lit. Actions say more than words.) or Let actions result from your words! or Let actions speak!
o Meaning: A little less conversation – a little more action.
o Practise what you preach!

Totgesagte leben länger!
o Lit. Translation: Declared dead live longer!
o Similar: There’s life in the old dog yet.

Träume sind Schäume.
o Translation: Dreams are foam.
o Meaning: A dream has nothing to do with reality.

Trau, schau, wem.
o Translation: Trust, (but)look, whom.
o Meaning: One should be carefull whom one trusts.

Almanca Atasözleri – Ü

Übung macht den Meister
o Translation: Practice makes the master.
o Meaning: Practice makes perfect.