zu Boden gehen
zu Felde ziehen
zu Gange sein
zu Kreuze kriechen
zu sein (besoffen)
zu Tode lachen
Zug durch die Gemeinde
zum Lachen in den Keller gehen
zum Mäusemelken
zum Narren halten
zur Salzsäule erstarren
zum Wohlsein
Zurück zur Natur
Zustände wie im alten Rom
zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen
zwei linke Hände haben
zwischen Baum und Borke stehen
zwischen allen Stühlen sitzen
Zwölf schlagen
Adel verpflichtet.
o Translation: Aristocracy obligates
o Translation: Noblesse obliges
Almanca Öğren
Alle Sünden in eine münden.
o Translation: All sins flow into one
Aller guten Dinge sind drei.
o Translation: All good things are three.
o Meaning: Good things come in numbers of three
o Meaning: [Said on third attempt, strike, or similar third-ness. It does not usually invoke luck.]
o Equivalent: Third time is a charm.
o Equivalent: Third time lucky.
Alles Gute kommt von oben.
o Translation: All good come from above.
o Meaning: God gives us all good things.
o Or sometimes ironical, when something falls on someone’s head.
Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.
o Translation: Everything has an end, only sausage has two.
o Meaning: Everything must come to an end.
Alles neu macht der Mai.
o Translation: May makes everything new.
o Meaning: In spring everything starts anew.
Almanca Öğren
Alle Wege führen nach Rom.
o Translation: All roads lead to Rome.
o Meaning: There may be more than one way to solve this problem.
o Or: In the end, it doesn’t matter how you reached your aim.
o Or: You cannot really avoid or miss [whatever Rome stands for]
o Similar: There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
Alte Füchse gehen schwer in die Falle.
o Translation: Old foxes go difficultly into the trap.
o Meaning: The old and wise are less likely to get tricked.
Alte Liebe rostet nicht.
o Translation: Old love does not rust.
o Equivalent: Old flames never die.
Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht.
o Translation: Age does not protect from foolishness.
o Equivalent: No fool like an old fool.
Altes Brot ist nicht hart, kein Brot, das ist hart.
o Translation: Old bread isn’t hard, no bread, that is hard.
o Meaning: It is better to have some food than no food.
Andere Länder, andere Sitten.
o Translation: Other countries, other customs
o Meaning: Foreigners have different customs [which may be perfectly normal there]
o Similar: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Anfangen ist leicht, beharren eine Kunst.
o Translation: To begin is easy, to persist is art.
o Meaning: It is easy to start but hard to continue.
Angst verleiht Flügel.
o Translation: Fear lends wings.
o Meaning: Fear will make you do things you would deem impossible in a different situation.
Arbeit adelt.
o Translation: Work ennobles.
Arbeit zieht Arbeit nach sich.
o Translation: Work involves work.
Auf alten Pfannen lernt man kochen.
o Translation: On old pots you learn cooking.
o Meaning: Older women can teach you a lot in bed.
o Similar equivalent: Women are like wine; the older the better.
Auf alten Pferden lernt man reiten.
o Translation: On old horses you learn how to ride.
o Meaning: see the one with the pots above.
Auf jeden Regen folgt auch Sonnenschein.
o Translation: There is sunshine after every rainfall.
o Similar: Every cloud has a silver lining.
o Similar equivalent: April showers bring May flowers.
Almanca Öğren
Aus einer Mücke einen Elefanten machen.
o Translation: To make an elephant out of a mosquito.
o Equivalent: To make a mountain out of a molehill.
o Meaning: To blow things out of proportion
Aus Schaden wird man klug. (Darum ist einer nicht genug.)
o Translation: From damage one becomes intelligent. (Sometimes you need more of these.)
o Equivalent: One learns from their mistakes.
Bäume wachsen nicht in den Himmel.
o Translation: Trees do not grow into the sky.
o Meaning: There are natural limits to things
o Meaning: Grandiose [career] plans may not realize [completely]
Beiß nicht in die Hand, die dich füttert.
o Translation: Do not bite into the hand which feeds you.
o Equivalent: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Bellende Hunde beißen nicht.
o Lit. translation: Barking dogs don’t bite.
o Meaning: As long as talking (barking) continues, even albeit threatening, violence is averted.
o Meaning: Cowards threaten a lot.
o English version: His bark is worse than his bite.
Bescheidenheit ist die höchste Form der Arroganz.
o Translation: Modesty is the highest form of arrogance..
Besser spät als nie
o Translation: Better late than never
Besser ein Spatz in der Hand, als eine Taube auf dem Dach.
o Translation: A sparrow in the hand is better than a pigeon on the roof
o Meaning: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
o Proverb: A bird in the hand multilingual.
Besser eigenes Brot als fremder Braten.
o Translation: Better your own bread than a nother’s roast.
o Meaning: What’s yours, is yours.
Besser einäugig als blind.
o Translation: Better one-eyed than blind.
o Equivalent: Better something than nothing.
Betrug ist der Krämer Acker und Pflug.
o Translation: Fraud is a shopkeepers field and plow.
o Meaning: Shopkeepers deal in fraud.
Betrunkene und Kinder sagen die Wahrheit.
o Translation: The drunk and children tell the truth.
Blut ist dicker als Wasser
o Blood is thicker than water
o Meaning: Familial ties are stronger than Monetary (water) ones.
Dankbarkeit und Weizen gedeihen nur auf gutem Boden.
o Translation: Gratitude and wheat prosper only on good soil.
Das Ei will klüger sein als die Henne.
o Translation: The egg wants to be smarter than the hen.
Das Rad, das am lautesten quietscht, bekommt das meiste Fett.
o Translation: The wheel that squeaks loudest gets most of the fat.
o Equivalent: The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Das sitzt wie angegossen.
o Translation: It fits like cast-on.
o Meaning: Something – clothes normally – fits very good, like specially made just for that person
o English equivalent: It fits like a glove.
Das passt wie Arsch auf Eimer. (not a traditional proverb – youth slang)
o Translation: It fits like an ass on a bucket.
o Meaning: like the one above, but in a more vulgarly way and actually not meant in case of clothes rather than in situations
Dem Hahn, der zu früh kräht, dreht man den Hals um.
o Translation: A cock that crows too early gets a twisted neck.
Demut, diese schöne Tugend, ehrt das Alter und die Jugend.
o Translation: Humility, this beautiful virtue, honors the age and the youth.
Den Bock zum Gärtner machen.
o Lit. translation: Turn a billy-goat into a gardener.
o Meaning: To disregard a trustee’s harmful conflict of interests.
o English equivalent: Setting a fox to guard the henhouse.
o English equivalent: To trust the cat to keep the cream.
Den Ast absägen, auf dem man sitzt.
o Lit. translation: To saw off the branch (bough) you’re sitting on.
o Meaning: To foolishly undermine one’s own position of power or revenue stream
o Similar: To bite the hand that feeds you.
Den Letzten beißen die Hunde.
o Lit. translation: The last one is bitten by the dogs.
o English equivalent: The devil takes the hindmost.
Den Teufel nicht an die Wand malen.
o Lit. translation: Not to paint the devil on the wall.
o Meaning: Do not make it out to be worse than it actually is
o Meaning: Do not maximize hypothetical problems [and through magical thinking make the situation worse]
o Similar: Let sleeping dogs lie.
Der Teufel scheißt immer auf den größten Haufen.
o Lit. translation: The devil always shits on the biggest pile.
o Meaning: Where money already is, more money goes.
Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm.
o Translation: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
o Meaning: Like father, like son.
Der Appetit kommt beim Essen
o Lit.: The appetite comes while eating
o Meaning.: Just do it. You will find out that it’s fun while doing it.
Der dümmste Bauer erntet die dicksten Kartoffeln.
o Translation: The dumbest farmer harvests the thickest potatoes.
o Meaning: Dumb luck.
Der erste Eindruck zählt.
o Translation: The first impressions counts.
o Equivalent: First impression is the last impression
Der Fisch stinkt vom Kopf her.
o Translation: The fish stinks from the head.
o Meaning: Corruption starts at the top.
* Der Gesunde weiß nicht, wie reich er ist.
o Translation: The healthy does not know how rich he is.
Der Knochen kommt nicht zum Hund, sondern der Hund zum Knochen.
o Translation: The bone doesn’t come to the dog, but the dog goes to the bone.
o Meaning: You must pursue your dreams, they won’t come to you.
Der Lauscher an der Wand hört nur die eigene Schand’.
o Translation: The eavesdropper at the wall hears only his own dishonor.
Der Mensch denkt, Gott lenkt.
o Translation: Humans think, God directs.
Der Weg ist das Ziel
o Lit.: The path is the destination / The destination is not important, but the path that leads there.
o Meaning: Enjoy the present without always dreaming of a better future.
Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache.
o Literally, German language, difficult language.
o 1st Meaning: German language is hard to learn
o Used when someone (usually German himself) has just made an embarrassing German grammar mistake.
o General saying about the language.
Die Tat wirkt mächtiger als das Wort.
o Translation: The action has a mightier impact than the word.
o Similar: Actions speak louder than words.
Das Eisen schmieden, solange es heiß ist.
o Strike the iron while it’s hot / Make hay while the sun shines.
Die dümmsten Bauern ernten die dicksten Kartoffeln.
o Literally, The most stupid farmers harvest the biggest potatoes
o Meaning: Dumb people are often very lucky.
o Equivalent: The sun shines on a dog’s tail sometimes. from Sam Sneed, golfer
Die Katze im Sack kaufen.
o Translation: To buy a cat in a bag.
o Meaning: To pay for something you haven´t seen or you know nothing about.
o English equivalent: To buy a pig in a poke.
(Zusammen oder mit XY) Durch Dick und Dünn gehen.
o Translation: To go through thick an thin (together or with XY).
o Meaning: To stay together no matter what.
o Equivalent: They travelled through thick and thin.
Das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen.
o Translation: The last shirt has no pockets.
o Meaning: Piling up money won’t serve you anything once you’re dead.
o Equivalent: Money isn’t everything.
o Equivalent: You can’t take it with you.
Der Blinde erklärt dem Einäugigen die Farben.
o Translation: The blind man explains the colors to the one-eyed man.
o Meaning: Somebody tries to explain something he knows nothing about.
o Similar equivalent: Blind leading the blind.
Unter den Blinden ist der Einäugige der König.
o Translation: Among the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
o Equivalent: In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king.
o Meaning: Someone with limited means can only be considered superior by people with even more limited means.
Du siehst den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht.
o Translation: You fail to see the forest because of all the trees.
o Said when somebody fails to see the obvious solution to a problem.
o Equivalent: You can’t see the wood for the trees.
o Equivalent: You can’t see the forest for the trees.
o Meaning: You only see the details, but not the big picture.
Eile mit Weile.
o Translation: Hurry with leisure.
o Meaning: Slower is faster.
o Equivalent: Slow and steady wins the race. Haste makes waste. More haste, less speed.
Einbildung ist auch eine Bildung.
o Translation: Vanity is also an education.
o Explanation: It’s a pun: Bildung – > education; einBILDUNG -> Vanity So “Einbildung” is also some kind of “Bildung”.
Ein blindes Huhn findet auch mal ein Korn.
o Literally, A blind chicken finds a grain once in a while.
o Meaning: Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul.
o Translation: Don’t look a gift horse into it’s mouth.
o Meaning: Do not look for faults when something has been recieved as a gift.
Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer!
o Literally, One swallow doesn’t make summer.
o Meaning: One spark of hope does not mean all is well
o Equivalent: A single swallow doth not the summer make
Einmal ist keinmal.
o Literally, Once is never.
o Meaning: Used often as an excuse for trying something again after the first try or to make somebody prove him/herself again.
o Meaning 2: A first time offence should be forgiven.
o Meaning 3: “It’s OK to try anything once.” – As a rationalization or an excuse for doing something one perhaps shouldn’t, one time.
o Note: Sometimes extended to Einmal ist keinmal, aber zweimal ist dreimal
o Translation: Once is never, but twice is thrice. It all rhymes in German, as you can see
Ein Unglück kommt selten allein.
o Translation: A disaster seldom comes alone.
o Equivalent 1: It never rains but it pours.
o Equivalent 2: Bad luck comes in threes.
Ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.
o Literally: A drop on a hot stone.
o Meaning: Not enough to make a difference.
o English Equivalent: A drop in the sea.
Ende gut, alles gut.
o All’s well that ends well.
* Erst denken, dann lenken.
o Translation: First think, then steer.
o Meaning: Think before you act
Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral (Dreigroschenoper)
o Translation: First comes chow, then morals.
o Meaning: A hungry man cannot afford a conscience.
o Meaning: Higher ethics are not of much use to people whose basic needs are not met.
o those were the original meanings from the Threepenny’s Opera, however the saying got a life of its own and now in the semiliterate public means also and primarily: Morals can wait until pockets are full.
o Similar: It’s a dog-eat-dog world.
Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt.
o Not all that glitters is gold.
o Meaning: Beware of superficial impression.
o Similar: You can’t tell a book by its cover.
Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen.
o Literally: A master has never yet fallen from the sky.
o Meaning: No one is an expert rightaway without any practice.
o Similar: Practice makes perfect.
Es schüttet wie aus Eimern. (Es schüttet wie aus Kübeln)
o Literally: It’s pouring as if out of buckets.
o Meaning: Describes heavy rain.
o Equivalent: It’s raining cats and dogs.
Es wird nichts so heiß gegessen, wie es gekocht wird.
o Literally: Nothing is eaten as hot as it is cooked.
o Meaning: Maximum theoretical damage (like from laws, statues, future problem) is not standard in practice, you usually get cut some slack.
Et kütt wie et kütt. (Es kommt wie es kommt.)
o Literally: It comes as it comes.
Et hät noch immer joot jejange. (Es ist noch jedesmal gut gegangen.)
o Translation: It went well everytime.
o Meaning: Do not fear the future.
Eulen nach Athen tragen
o Lit.: Carrying owls to Athens.
o Meaning: A pointless exercise/activity.
o Equivalent: To carry coals to Newcastle. (UK)